Four Leaf Clover Juice

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Almost a year ago, I wrote down in my book of intentions (yes, I keep a book where I write down all of the things/people/events I want to welcome into my life!), “I will meet Dick Gregory.” I had just finished having my world rocked after reading Natural Diet and I didn’t know how or when, but I knew, deep down inside, that if I really willed it, I’d be able to make my dream come true.

A couple of weeks later, I was talking to a friend about the book, and she said, “you know he lives in DC right?” I had just decided to leave the academy and go into policy. I was moving to DC and couldn’t believe what I had heard. I would be living in the same city as Dick Gregory? It was at that moment that I had no doubt in my mind I was going to meet him!

Fast forward a couple of months later. I was out to brunch with a friend and she brought along her friend, which made three of us. Three hours later we had chatted about life and love and work and family and food and joy and pain and triumphs and fate and everything else under the sun. Not surprising to any of my friends I’m sure, I managed to work Dick Gregory into the conversation. Unbeknownst to me, I had spent the last three hours talking to his goddaughter! She told me she could introduce me to him and a chill went through my body as I stared at her rather blankly. My intention was coming true!

Well, folks, a number of events happened, some bringing me closer to my intention and some seemingly moving me farther away, but last night it came true!!!!!!!! I met the legendary Dick Gregory at a comedy club in DC where he was performing. I felt like a kid in a candy store. I couldn’t believe that the civil rights and food activist I had admired for so long was right before me, in the flesh! After laughing hysterically throughout his show, I ran to the front of the stage. I was going to throw myself on that stage if I had to, to meet him. Luckily for all parties involved, it didn’t come to that.

I greeted him. He signed my books. And then I gave him a thank you note (along with a Como Water card! :D). So, the moral of this story is… dreams really do come true folks… set your intentions. Write them down. And then let them manifest. You need not worry about the how… the details will work themselves out! Just relish in the thought of getting what you intend… 🙂

And now onto my last juice of the month! Truth be told, I honestly have no idea what happened to Feb. It has been a CRAZY month and I’m still trying to catch my breath. I wasn’t able to post all of the smoothies and super foods I had intended to feature this month, so the posts are going to go into next month. I hope you don’t mind! 😀 And I hope you all had a Happy Monday!!!

P.S. I named this four leaf clover juice because it has four green ingredients and after drinking it, I had good luck! 😀

Four Leaf Clover Juice

(Printable Recipe)


3 green pears

1 cup (packed) spinach (or kale)

2 stalks celery

juice from 1/2 of lime


*Add pears, spinach, and celery to juicer and juice. Stir in lime juice. NOM! 😀


Written by

Tiffany M. Griffin is the woman behind Como Water, Washington DC’s premiere veg-centric cuisine consulting company. Through cooking classes, demonstrations, catering, and consultations, Como Water gives people the opportunity to learn how to prepare veg-centric cuisine that boasts maximum flavor, with minimal effort. Tiffany is quickly becoming a go-to expert on the future of veg-centric cuisine, and is a regular contributor to Como Water, the blog, as well as to vegetarian and vegan sites across the Internet. For over a decade, this self-taught, entrepreneurial expert has developed a set of tried and true techniques for making simple, delicious, and sometimes decadent veg-centric dishes. Featured on the Steve Harvey Show and other leading media outlets, Tiffany was born and raised in Springfield, MA. She then earned Bachelors degrees in Psychology and Communications from Boston College and a PhD in Social Psychology from the University of Michigan. She now resides in Washington DC, where she has worked in the US Senate and at a federal agency on issues around health, food, nutrition, and international food aid/development, and of course, as the owner of Como Water. Tiffany gets culinary inspiration from the food she grew up eating, and from her travels throughout Latin America, the Caribbean, Western Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa. She is dedicated to sharing her wealth of knowledge on veg-centric cuisine with others and to help others live by her mantra—love life, live long, and eat veg-centric cuisine!


  1. Wow you got to meet a Dick Gregory. I didn’t realize he was still performing. I’ll bet he would like the juice that he inspired.

  2. That is SO cool! So happy for you that you got to meet him!!

  3. That is too cool!

  4. how cool that you got to meet him! Another great sounding juice too!

  5. This juice sounds delish… that is LOT of fiber in there too. I’m just saying. 🙂

  6. Meeting Dick Gregory was an awesome experience, I’m sure. Glad your dreams are coming true. I love the idea of the intentions book. Gotta get me one a ‘dem:-) …and the ingreds. for this recipe. Nom Nom indeed!

  7. Haha! I actually thought you’d juiced some four leaf clover leaves! I think I’m kinda glad it was this combination instead 😀

  8. The hows are the domain of the Universe. Congratulations on meeting Mr. Gregory! Time for me to rev up the old juicer and get busy. Also, loved the DVD- Food Matters, excellent information. Thanks again!

  9. Oh my, the pears in this sound fantastic 🙂 And congratulations on meeting your idol!

  10. Yay, Tiff! That’s awesome. I’m so glad that you finally met him 🙂 What a journey to get there! Isn’t it interesting how life always turns out for the better? Thanks very much for sharing this juice with us; it’s so scrumptious!

  11. I am so happy for you!!!!! Isn’t it crazy how life works and how things just fall into place sometimes? I’m going to drink some good luck juice, too. I need it 🙂

  12. I love the idea of your intention book–so glad you got to meet that author! The juice looks yummy.

  13. I expect a, “I JUST met Dick Gregory” post SOON! 🙂

  14. Wow, what a story Tiffany! You never say never. I’m really happy for you! Another great healthy juice recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  15. A great recipe and an even greater story–too cool!

  16. It’s great you got to meet someone on your ‘list’! This drink looks lovely, good way to use up celery!

  17. Woah! So cool that you met someone on your list!

  18. So cool that you met him! Isn’t it fun to see how these thing pan out! Going to try this drink. I’ve been drinking a lot of them, but have yet to try pear. Have a good weekend!

  19. So glad you got to meet him! I love pears and have never tried them in a juice or smoothie!!

  20. Everyone should keep a book of intentions! Such an awesome story that you got to meet Dick Gregory!