Salted Chocolate Shortbread

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Do as I say, not as I do.” That’s the lesson of this post.

Being a huge fan of salt and chocolate, I decided to top this chocolate shortbread with pink salt before baking it. Not only does pink salt have a unique flavor, it’s pretty. Real pretty, which isn’t a problem in and of itself. The problem came in when I went overboard. I sprinkled a little salt over the unbaked shortbread dough. Then I sprinkled a little bit more. Then I sprinkled a little bit more (What can I say? Pink’s my favorite color!). Before I knew it, I had sprinkled quite a bit. I kinda knew at that moment that I had used too much salt, but I baked it off anyway. In the end, my fears had come to fruition… I had sprinkled too much salt.

My not-so-successful remedy was to drizzle melted semi-sweet chocolate on the shortbread. Again, good in theory, as it definitely cut some of the salt, but it just wasn’t enough.

Soooooo, when you make this shortbread (and I really hope you do!), remember to do as I say, not as I do (did)… watch your salt! 😀

Salted Chocolate Shortbread (Printable Recipe)


1/2 cup Earth Balance (softened)

1 cup powdered sugar

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

3/4 cup flour

1/3 cup cocoa powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

pinch baking soda

1 teaspoon cornstarch

Sugar (for topping)

Salt (for topping, 1/4 teaspoon is plenty!)

Melted chocolate (for topping)


*Whisk Earth Balance, sugar, and vanilla extract in large bowl. Sift in flour, salt, cocoa powder, cornstarch, and baking soda. Fold dry into ‘wet.’ Refrigerate dough for 15 minutes.

*Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Press refrigerated dough into tart pan. Sprinkle lightly with salt and sugar. Bake approximately 20 minutes. Remove from oven and cut into pieces. Let cool completely. Drizzle with melted chocolate (optional).


Written by

Tiffany M. Griffin is the woman behind Como Water, Washington DC’s premiere veg-centric cuisine consulting company. Through cooking classes, demonstrations, catering, and consultations, Como Water gives people the opportunity to learn how to prepare veg-centric cuisine that boasts maximum flavor, with minimal effort. Tiffany is quickly becoming a go-to expert on the future of veg-centric cuisine, and is a regular contributor to Como Water, the blog, as well as to vegetarian and vegan sites across the Internet. For over a decade, this self-taught, entrepreneurial expert has developed a set of tried and true techniques for making simple, delicious, and sometimes decadent veg-centric dishes. Featured on the Steve Harvey Show and other leading media outlets, Tiffany was born and raised in Springfield, MA. She then earned Bachelors degrees in Psychology and Communications from Boston College and a PhD in Social Psychology from the University of Michigan. She now resides in Washington DC, where she has worked in the US Senate and at a federal agency on issues around health, food, nutrition, and international food aid/development, and of course, as the owner of Como Water. Tiffany gets culinary inspiration from the food she grew up eating, and from her travels throughout Latin America, the Caribbean, Western Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa. She is dedicated to sharing her wealth of knowledge on veg-centric cuisine with others and to help others live by her mantra—love life, live long, and eat veg-centric cuisine!


  1. I’m sorry this didn’t turn out. It’s so easy to get distracted by pretty things! The shortbread looks wonderful though.

  2. I do that sometimes, being too liberal with salt when cooking. Haven’t done it yet with baking!

  3. Hehehehe but they really do look pretty!!! I think the recipe is still a winner… actually a must try for us chocoholics!!! 🙂

  4. They say you can never have enough chocolate, so I don’t think you over salted I think you under chocolated. The shortbread sounds delicious.

  5. Gorgeous chocolate shortbread – too bad about the salt but… we learn as we go. It’s all part of the fun. Your chocolate drizzle is very lovely – did you use a dark chocolate?

  6. Moral of the story – don’t use pretty salt! It looks like great shortbread! I love the idea of chocolate shortbread!

  7. LOL I know how that goes… Your like just a little more. Then comes the darn it! They look and sound amazing though!!

  8. Love chocolate. Great photos.

  9. Ok, so this is totally the kind of mistake I could make. I love salt on stuff and have been guilty of over-salting my food. I’m sorry that it turned out poorly. At least it looks fantastic.

  10. WoWW!! This is a mouth-watering shortbread and you presented it so well! I loved this recipe and would bookmark this definitely. great post!

  11. It’s still stunning and I would have probably done the same thing. There actually can be, “too much of a good thing” although it’s hard to believe!

  12. It looks gorgeous, regardless–the chocolate drizzle kind of makes it.

  13. I hate when that happens. I love the salty/sweet idea though! I’ll have to keep an eye out for pink salt, I’m intrigued!

  14. Ohhhh… I have been there with the salt. That sweet and salty combo is SO good when you nail it though! I’m going to try this out next time I need a dish to bring to a party (too much risk in having this at home alone – haha).

    You have to try the chocolate sea salt cookie recipe I have – same concept in cookie form. 🙂

  15. The shortbread looks beautiful and delicious!

  16. Tiffany, they may not have turned out like you wanted, but they look really yummy! I love all that chocolate on top!

  17. Tiffany, the chocolate swirls amplify what is already a remarkably aesthetic and charming dessert! I wish I could snag one right through my computer screen…

  18. Oh, mine! How come I missed these?!?!
    I loooooove salted chocolate!!! Fabulous!

  19. Let’s say besides salt, you nailed everything. Drizzling job is phenomenal – how do you do that so neatly????? I asbosolutely love this shortbread looks. So pretty! I feel sometimes baking is harder to fix when you make mistakes because the ingredients are so precise!

  20. They look sensational…good work!

  21. Just the idea of biting into one of these bars has me swooning! I love shortbread and the addition of the cocoa makes these bars extra special. Regarding the salt, sometimes we do get focus on appearance to much in the blogging world because it is such an important part of the post. Have a great weekend!

  22. I can see why you couldn’t stop…it IS pretty! And nothing a little chocolate couldn’t take care of …. nice recovery! 😉 It looks delicious.

  23. Who cares about too much salt in this case? That dribbled chocolate on top of the pink “decoration” (you are too funny) is sensational. Not to mention the chocolate shortbread. Won’t look at shortbread the same again! Great job, Tiffany.

  24. We must be on the same wavelength my dear!! I just made chocolate shortbread cookies and posted it today! Yours look amazing!

  25. Ehehehe so hard not to get carried away sometimes. 😉 In my case sometimes I forget what shaker I have in my hand…ahem.

    Looks like a great shortbread recipe though.

  26. Bless you! That’s too cute. Pink makes us girls do silly stuff though in the name of pretty 🙂 These sound delicious though (with appropriate salt levels!) Buzzed

  27. OK so Ill send you come chili chocolate chip cookies if you send me some of these. They look awesome!

  28. They may not have tasted like you wanted but they sure are pretty to look at. I also have a similar problem with pink salt. Must be the color that I love so much.

  29. This is one of those things that I will make so that people will think I’m a fancy pants.

  30. Aw, man, it’s so pretty, I hate to hear that it wasn’t that good. Well, next time!

  31. Haha – pretty shortbread though!

  32. Well too much salt or not, they sure turned out pretty! I’ll be sure the avoid the pink stuff- not sure I’d be able to control myself either!!

  33. One of the first apple pies I ever made (back in the ’70’s) I mistakenly sprinkled with salt rather than sugar. My father made a big fuss about how good it was. I was ahead of my time, haha. Your photos are great, that’s what made me take a look. I wouldn’t mind taking a taste…they look good!

  34. I don’t think I’d be able to control myself with pink salt either! I get a bit carried away when it comes to anything pink 🙂 These shortbread look pretty though, even if they were too salty!

  35. Salted chocolate shortbread?!
    I must be so, so good!

  36. that looks really yummmmmyyyyy!!!

    mind if i share your entry on my facebook page? ^__^

  37. Looks simply yummy and the topping on top brings out the taste better.

  38. Oh my!!! OK, Tiffany, so you went overboard with the salt…make another batch cos this looks DIVINE!
    I want sniff and scratch blogs because this would be sensational…..going to make…but what on earth is Earth Balance? I’m guessing butter or shortening or something…I’ll use butter?

    yummmmmmmmm. Love it….totally BUZZED it. Congratulations on making the Top 9!

  39. I like pink salt too (from Trader Joes!) This looks REALLY good. It’s six am and I want chocolate bread! 🙂

  40. Even with a wee too much salt, you made the Top 9!!! They are just that stunning!!!!

  41. This looks stunning! I haven’t tried a ‘salty’ dessert yet….these looks like a good place to start!

  42. Congrats on the top 9 today! These are gorgeous chocolate shortbread, even if they have too much salt.
    Have a great weekend!

  43. I have made something very similar to this and I know salted chocolate shortbread is delicious :)! I love the drizzling on top and that you have baked it in a tart pan, so much prettier ;)! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  44. Wowzer – these look gorgeous, I am off to make them…..right now!!! Thank

  45. I’ve definitely done things like this before – live and learn right?! The shortbread definitely sounds delicious though =)

  46. Addictive only to see it!

  47. Congrats on the top 9! These look soooooo good!!

  48. Just keep adding more chocolate the pics look really tasty.

  49. Congratulations on the top 9 and such a wonderful sweet treat!
    You have come so far in such a short time, keep up the great work, who knows where this will take you!

  50. Congratulations on the top 9! Salty or not it looks so tempting …

  51. I have been on a sweet and salty chocolate kick lately too! This shortbread looks lovely!

  52. Ah, I do that too sometimes. Lol. Well, it still looks incredible and sounds amazing. I am really loving chocolate and salt right now!!!

  53. I find I am much more willing to try recipes of people who are honest. I am inclined to “wing it” when I am cooking for me with plenty of your salt like slip ups. But if I am blogging a recipe I try to be accurate an honest.

    I am sure once you adjust the salt this is really good

  54. Haha, Tiffany. It’s okay–we all make mistakes. Did you see the HUGE one I made in my recent Caramel Brownies? Ooph. Congratulations on today’s Top 9 🙂 I hope all’s well in Washington, D.C. I bet there’s a lot of stuff going on this weekend, huh? Especially tomorrow…

  55. I believe you still managed one yummy looking treat! I would eat it anytime… Congratulations on the top 9!!!! Que maravilha nao? Mil beijos!

  56. Well… I wouldn’t blame you for going overboard with the pink salt. I would have done the same thing… I LOVE PINK. I have never seen pink salt. How cool! Congrats on making Top 9 today. (sorry I’m late to the party to tell you that). These look wonderful! I love the chocolate drizzle too. : )

  57. I am sooooooo behind with my inbox but happy I decided to check today. And you know, what’s a little extra salt between friends? I’m also happy to see you in the Top 9 again. Your shortbread is super cute!

  58. What a unique looking dessert. I can’t wait til I can find the time to try it. Beautiful pictures!!

  59. I’m glad someone asked about Earth Balance. I assume it’s butter, softened, so that’s what I’m using when I make it. And I definitely plan to make it! Thanks for the recipe!

  60. Tiffany….you are too cute! Going overboard with your pink salt because you like pink! I love shortbread so much. I’ve never made chocolate shortbread. And despite that you thought these were too salty….they are just STUNNING! I was happy to see them in the top 9! Congrats! : )

  61. one word “YUM” 🙂

    Congrats on the top 9 …well deserved!

  62. My son is wild for shortbread, and I’m wild for chocolate. This recipe is a great fit for us. I love everything about your blog. Congrats on being one of the “Top 9”

    Pescetarian Journal

  63. It’s fascinating how many different kinds of salt there are and how wide ranging theier tastes are. Many years ago we started cooking with kosher salt and never looked back. The old regular iodized salt, although still having some limited uses, just tastes too bitter for regular use. And of course the salt/sweet combo is perfectly delicious although it’s understood that one’s passion for pink should be controlled.

  64. It looks amazing, I like the salty sweet flavors here!

  65. WOAH! Thanks for all of the comments everyone! 😀

  66. Bookmarking! I love, love shortbread and will definitely be using this come Christmas. 🙂

  67. It looks fantastic even if it may have had too much beautiful pink salt.

  68. Yum yum ….chocolate heaven, well done:)

  69. I’m all about salted caramel!

  70. with the very beautifully done chocolate drizzle, who would think it’s salty? Your shortbread actually looks perfect from the picture!

  71. These look so delicious! I love the chocolate glazed on top!

  72. Maybe a less attractive salt would help? 🙂 These are amazing Tiffany…wow!

  73. Oh this looks so delicious!! I love shortbread but I don’t think I have ever had chocolate shortbread. I really look forward to trying this recipe.

  74. Tiffany, in spite of the salt, this chocolate shortbread looks delicious…and very pretty.
    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead 🙂

  75. I’m with you, girl! Chocolate + Salt = Miracle!

  76. I know I already commented, but I still am thinking about pink salt. I think I’ll try to order some on Amazon.
    I wanted to let you know that I passed a blog award to you!

  77. Haha…appreciate your beginning “lesson” Nicely done!

  78. Your opening line made me laugh 🙂 it happens to all of us….your shortbread looks really, really pretty though and the drizzled chocolate in my humble opinion opinion should not be optional but a must 🙂 It really looks lovely…


  79. I’ve been there! once you oversalt, you never will again! looks yummy though!

  80. Oh Tiff this looks so beautiful, I love sweetness of chocolate and salty did fantastic job here..and did I see this on top 9? I think I did..congrats!:))

  81. You are so cute! Pink is pretty, but not when it is salt, and in large quantities, LOL! This sounds so good:-) Hugs, Terra