Each Monday, Tiffany posts a message that provides positive energy and tips for eating more mindfully. The purpose of the weekly message is to reinforce the ideas from the talks and classes that are a part of the Como Water Membership, and to further support those living the veg-centric lifestyle. To receive our Mindfulness Mondays posts, Become A Member today.
Never Stop Laughing (or Dancing)!
This is the second (out of 5) agreements that I made with myself after re-reading the Four Agreements a couple of weeks ago. In last week’s post, I offered my first personal agreement “I am ok.” This week, I give you the second, “Never Stop Laughing (or Dancing)!” I suppose in actuality, it should be, “Never Stop Laughing (or doing those things you love)!”
When I was a little girl, my greatnana had a newspaper clipping on her fridge. It was stained yellow with age, but the headline was clear–“laughing is good for your health.” She still references that article when I ask her how she’s doing. She replies some version of, “good, ya know, still hanging in there, still laughing. Laughing keeps ya young, ya know?”
Truth is, I do know. I know that it’s those moments when I’m laughing that I feel the best. Those moments when I’m cracking up with friends and family that I feel the lightest. And it’s those moments that tend to fall by the way side when I’m stressed.
I added the parenthetical “(or dancing)” to drive home the point that I need to be vigilant at maintaining those activities in my life that bring me joy, even when things are hectic. For me, that’s dancing and cooking. For you, it may be something else. The point is, laughter and connecting with the activities that make us smile and feel free give us life, true life. With so many demands on our time and energy though, it can be easy to forget this. This is why I made this second agreement to myself, to never stop. To be vigilant. To create (and sustain) the space for my joy.