My News! and 9 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Start the Year Off Right!

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So, in yesterday’s post, I mentioned that I have some news… well, here it is: I was on the radio today! Woop Woop! Darryl Haley, former Patriots player and current host of “Fitness Friday” on WHUR 96.3 during the Steve Harvey morning show, contacted me last week and asked if I would be his “special guest of the week.” As I told him, I never say ‘no’ to anyone who has a connection to the best football team on the face of the planet! I’ll be posting clips to the interview this weekend, but in the meantime, check out these 13 tips for starting the year off right.  No need to wait until January 1st. You can do all of these things right now!!!


9 Things You Can Do Right Now to Start the Year Off Right

1. Eat from the rainbow. And no, candy doesn’t count! Many people think that you have to eat salad everyday to be a healthier eater. Not true. One way to start is to commit to eating at least one red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet food per week. This will naturally lead you to the produce section. And you can build from here (eating two foods in each category per week, etc.).

2. Eat until you are 2/3 full. This is a trick I learned a few years ago. Rather than eating until I can’t breathe, I generally try to eat until I am 2/3 full. How do you know when you’re 2/3 full? Read the next tip.

3. Use a smaller plate. Use a salad plate, rather than a dinner plate. This will naturally decrease your portion sizes. Eat all of the food on your plate. Then stop. Wait at least 10 minutes. Voila! You’re 2/3 full! And if you’re eating from the rainbow, you’ll have the nutrients you need without being stuffed. You’ll also be ready for the next tip.

4. Eat dessert. Yes, I said it. Eat desserts. Just not too many. I absolutely heart dessert. And even eat a small square of dark chocolate in the morning after breakfast. The key is to just have a wee bit. A bit of ice cream, a cookie, a rice krispies treat never hurt anyone. And treating yourself to a bit of the stuff you like keeps you out of deprivation mode, and less likely to flat out backslide.


5. Just eat. (Don’t multitask). This is a very common mindful eating technique. Admittedly, it’s hard to do though. Try it, anyway! 🙂 Just eat. Don’t eat and drive. Don’t eat and walk. Don’t eat and type. Don’t eat and work. Don’t eat and read. Don’t eat and watch tv. Just eat. You’ll be amazed at how much better the food tastes, how much less of it you need to feel full, and how much you’ll want to eat foods that are better for you.

6. Drink water. We are mostly water and we need water to live. So drink it. 🙂 Also, water keeps you fuller longer, flushes out toxins, aids in digestion, keeps things moving, and keeps you looking younger. Need to mix it up? Add slices of cucumber or citrus.

7. Eat one meatless meal per day and/or eat meatless meals for one day. Start where you are. I’ve always said that I’m not pushing for everyone to be a vegetarian. That being said, we all can afford to eat more veggies. If you’re an avid meat eater, try eating one meatless meal per day. If you’re not, try eating meatless for one whole day, or for a couple days a week. Again, the key is to incrementally change, so that you create sustainable change.

8. Decipher your hungers. Chozen Bays writes that there are 7 kinds of hunger–eye, nose, mouth, stomach, cellular, mind, and heart hunger. We over (or under) eat when we confuse one type of hunger for another. The key is to think about why we are putting food in our mouths (or not). You’ll discover that it’s not always because of stomach or cellular hunger.

9. Check out Como Water veggie recipes and sign up for a cooking class! Not sure where to look for veggie recipes? Check out my recipe index. Also, stay tuned to my January posts which will feature super flavorful, vegan dishes as I cleanse from the holiday debauchery for the month. And if you’re in the DC area, sign up for a cooking class where you can learn to make veg-centric cuisine yourself!


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Tiffany M. Griffin is the woman behind Como Water, Washington DC’s premiere veg-centric cuisine consulting company. Through cooking classes, demonstrations, catering, and consultations, Como Water gives people the opportunity to learn how to prepare veg-centric cuisine that boasts maximum flavor, with minimal effort. Tiffany is quickly becoming a go-to expert on the future of veg-centric cuisine, and is a regular contributor to Como Water, the blog, as well as to vegetarian and vegan sites across the Internet. For over a decade, this self-taught, entrepreneurial expert has developed a set of tried and true techniques for making simple, delicious, and sometimes decadent veg-centric dishes. Featured on the Steve Harvey Show and other leading media outlets, Tiffany was born and raised in Springfield, MA. She then earned Bachelors degrees in Psychology and Communications from Boston College and a PhD in Social Psychology from the University of Michigan. She now resides in Washington DC, where she has worked in the US Senate and at a federal agency on issues around health, food, nutrition, and international food aid/development, and of course, as the owner of Como Water. Tiffany gets culinary inspiration from the food she grew up eating, and from her travels throughout Latin America, the Caribbean, Western Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa. She is dedicated to sharing her wealth of knowledge on veg-centric cuisine with others and to help others live by her mantra—love life, live long, and eat veg-centric cuisine!


  1. I aspire to follow all these great eating habits.. not always successfully… but I know they are smart and true. PS… you are going places my friend.. teaching a cooking class and now on the radio… holy cow!! Aaaaaaamazing!! So happy for!! Keep reaching for the stars my friend… you will make it because I see success written all over you. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend. ~ Ramona

  2. Great foodie tips 🙂

  3. What fun news!!!! Congrats on the radio gig! And thanks for the 9 tips…and I’m glad you agree with me that dessert is fine in moderation 🙂

  4. You go girl! Congrats on the radio gig! Awesome tips and beautiful pics!
    I wish you very Happy Holidays!!!

  5. These are great common sense tips that are so easy to forget. Thanks for getting us back on track for the new year.

  6. Some great advice, Tiffany – especially ‘drink water’ and ‘don’t multi-task’ – with all these resolutions you are off to a great start in 2013.

  7. Thanks for the comments everyone! 😀

  8. What a great list! #5 is one I need to work on myself. I’m always so busy and tend to eat at my desk or watch tv while eating, shoving all my free time into meal time. I cleaned off my dinner table and plan to eat there more often in 2013.